If Linux and maintaining server updates aren’t your thing, fear not, you can purchase a pre-configured mini PC running Linux and Climate Czar, ready to plug in to your router. Yearly maintenance plans via RMM service are also optionally available so your server is always kept up to date for you with the latest Climate Czar source code and OS patches, as well 7 days of rotating database backups. Live remote troubleshooting services are also available as an on-demand option. Hop on over to the Products and Services page here if you are interested in these offerings.

All source code for every part of the Panhandle Ponics greenhouse automation system is now available as open source!
Sensors can provide a variable value or a binary on/off value and can be for any purpose. The only thing that Climate Czar looks at is a number and you decide what action (if any) action needs to be performed (output switch turned on or off) based on the sensor values.

It seems as if there is a sensor for everything now. Whether it’s for temperature, humidity, daylight, pH, total dissolved solids, fluid levels, motion detection, window/door open or closed, magnetic field, RFID, you pretty much name it. Climate Czar allows you to bring all of these together in one unified system and use them to perform automated actions, no matter what they’re monitoring.
Another unique feature is that Climate Czar isn’t designed around one single brand of sensors and output switches or intended purpose for the system. This helps keep the software simple and lightweight because all of the heavy lifting is done with external scripts that read sensors and control output switches.

Feel free to check out the Panhandle Ponics Greenhouse Climate Czar system any time. Aside from the live view of the greenhouse stats, additional demo device groups have been created to show all of the features mentioned in the above. Let Climate Czar help you make your grow operation easier to manage and help you sleep better!